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Lagos Government Shuts Ladipo Market


The Commissioner for the Environment and Water Resources, Mr. Tokunbo Wahab, has ordered immediate closure of Ladipo Market, Mushin, for several environmental offences including, reckless waste disposal, unhygienic premises, and non-payment of waste bills, among others.

In a statement, he said the market would remain closed until the mandatory conditions of redress were met by traders and market stakeholders, adding that it was part of ongoing efforts at instilling compliance in markets around the state.

Speaking on the development, Wahab underscored the critical importance of environmental hygiene in markets, noting that, “It is imperative that markets in the state adhere strictly to environmental laws and regulations put in place for the well-being of residents. The closure of Ladipo Market serves as a stern reminder that no entity, regardless of its size or influence, is above the law.”

He stated that the state government was fully committed to collaborating with market stakeholders, to facilitate necessary adjustments and improvements, to enable them meet required environmental standards, adding that the market would not be reopened for business until set standards were met.

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