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Kim Kardashian admits she’s ‘struggling’ as a single mom

Kim Kardashian opened up about struggling as a single mom on this week’s episode of The Kardashians, while giving some props to her sister Khloe’s ex Tristan Thompson.

While Thompson has been criticized for cheating on Khloe multiple times while they were together – with the exes currently co-parenting five-year-old daughter True and one-year-old son Tatum – the 42-year-old Kim came to Tristan’s, 32, defense.

Khloe and Tristan have long ended their romantic relationship, though Khloe has been letting Tristan and his teenage special needs brother Amari stay at her home, while his home is under rennovation.

During this week’s episode – entiled When Is Being Me Gonna Be Okay – Kim was asked in confession what she thinks of the serial cheater.

She revealed in confession that she defended Tristan, admitting that he was there for her when she was struggling as a single mom after splitting with ex Kanye West.

‘Oh, I know guys are gonna hate me for this and you’re gonna hate us and you’re gonna think Khloe is whatever… It’s so crazy because he’s such a good friend and he’s such a good like Dad… but he just couldn’t get it together in that area, of like being a faithful boyfriend,’ Kim said.

‘So it’s like you wanna obviously like hate him for that. Yeah, of course, his actions and who he was, like so f***ed up,’ Kim admitted.

‘We’ve had our talks about it and we’ve had our fights about it and we’ve had our arguments about it,’ she added, before going on to defend him.

‘But he’s also shown so many decent things and just has been a really good person and friend. When he saw me struggling with my kids, he stepped up,’ she said.

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