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Rapist Who Raped His Friend Of Over 20 Years Jailed in South Africa

A South African woman is excited after a friend of hers, whom she has known for 20 years r3ped her.

Samke Mzukwa, disclosed her said friend r3ped her 2 years ago, and has now been sentenced to 10 years direct imprisonment.

Samke who now feels she has gotten justice, disclosed this on her X platform.

She wrote; “My ”friend” of 20+ years violated me 2 year ago and today he got sentenced to 10 years in prison. To God be the glory.”

Samke had earlier also revealed that she was assaulted at the police station, when she and her mom first went to make a report about the case in 2020, before it was moved to court.

“When we went to the police station, they said I must sit down and I said I can’t as I was feeling uncomfortable.

“Then they said I must go wait outside. There I met a lady who was reporting a case of domestic abuse and as I was chatting to her, a cop came and grabbed my phone and pepper-sprayed me.

“My mother came to intervene and before she even got the words to ask why he was doing that, he turned and pepper-sprayed her,” Mzukwa said.

Samke’s mother, Vuyelwa while also narrating her experience back then had said;

“She is not okay. This was a family friend that did this to her, someone she knew and trusted. The police could have handled this better. I am now limping, and I still have a rash on my face from the pepper spray.”

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