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UAE team in Abuja to finetune talks on visa ban

A five-member United Arab Emirates (UAE) team is in Nigeria to harmonize positions with authorities for the final stage resumption of commercial flights between both countries and issuance of visas to Nigerians.

The delegation comprising Almannaei Khalid, Janahi Asma, Alshehhu Rasheed, Teo Teck San, and Alhosani Talal arrived in Nigeria Sunday.

A top official of the Foreign Affairs Ministry said in Abuja that the UAE team are already liaising with relevant Nigerian officials on the terms agreed by President Bola Tinubu and Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan in Abu Dhabi during their Abu Dhabi meeting on September 10.

The Foreign Affairs official, who did not want his name in print, revealed that some members of the team have already met with relevant Nigerian personnel.

He explained that some members of the UAE delegation were mandated to handle all the terms regarding the visa ban while the rest, made up of Emirates Airlines chiefs, are focusing on flight resumption.

Tinubu and Al Nahyan had agreed at the Abu Dhabi parley that the visa ban on Nigerians and suspension of commercial flights by UAE be lifted in the interest of both countries.

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